Earlier this week following a hypnotherapy session one of my clients said to me “More people ought to give this a try!” My response was “If only they would!”
Many people fear hypnosis thinking that they might lose control or lose consciousness. Sadly many people have misconceptions about hypnosis, often confusing therapeutic hypnosis with stage hypnosis. The fact is that inducing hypnosis is not something that can be “done” to someone else. As a therapist I play my part in helping the client to use his or her own ability to enter into a state of trance and this can only be done with the co-operation of the client. I am not able to influence the client without the client’s consent. The state of trance is quite ordinary in many ways. We enter into that state in doing our everyday activities without even being consciously aware that we are doing that. When our attention becomes focused in a very narrow way to the extent that we “zone out” everything else that is going on around us, then we have entered into trance. Imagine when you are so engrossed in reading a book or watching a television programme that you just do not notice when someone has started to talk to you. By inducing a state of hypnosis I am able to help your subconscious mind take over from your conscious mind. In this way I enable you to allow a perception of events into your subconscious in a manner that has been altered to suit your particular needs e.g. to overcome a fear or a phobia. The combination of hypnosis with the solution focused therapeutic approach enables me to support the client by utilising his or her inner subconscious resources. By accessing these resources I am able to influence the client (with the client’s consent) through suggestion in different ways which would be beneficial and positive. For instance, I may use direct or indirect suggestion or I may use guided imagery to help the client make desired changes for positive outcomes. One thing all of my clients express following a session of hypnotherapy with me is a statement of how lovely and relaxing they find the treatment. Often I observe my clients slowly and reluctantly disembark from my treatment table. It was at that stage the other day when my client exclaimed, ““More people ought to give this a try!” The question is, “Would you?” © Tracy Daniels and rainbowhypnotherapy.co.uk, 2016 – 2017. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used provided that full and clear credit is given to Tracy Daniels and rainbowhypnotherapy.co.uk with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. |
Tracy Daniels
October 2024
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© Tracy Daniels, tracydanielstherapies.co.uk 2016-2024 Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used provided that full and clear credit is given to Tracy Daniels and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Personal photos subject to copyright |